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Harvest Bowl (Still Life with Pears)



Harvest Bowl (Still Life with Pears)


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Product Details

A large wheel-thrown and decorated 'harvest bowl'.

Material: Terracotta, decorated with white slip, sgraffito decoration with transparent honey glaze.

Size: 14cm deep x 32cm circumference (5.5 x 12.6 inches)


Just when you thought Christina Serra Delmar's Harvest Jugs couldn't get any better, the artist creates a series of large Harvest Bowls!

These oversized pieces are inspired by the enormous 'dough bowls' that would have traditionally sat at the centre of a farmhouse table, or if you had a stately home, in the dairy room.

These contemporary versions are hand thrown and decorated by Christina in her Herefordshire studio, where her celebrated Harvest Jugs are also made in the same slipware technique.

In comforting tones of honey and deep earthenware, Christina's decoration stands out in a bold and highly decorative way.

Always inspired by the environment that surrounds her, patterns emerge that tell the story of her visual life; children's drawings, birds in the oak tree, tulips and unruly nasturtiums climbing around the garden.

Much like the harvest jugs and bowls of the 17th and 18th centuries, Christina's work documents the patterns and scenes found in the changing seasons with an explosive joy.