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Throwing Paintings : Katrin Moye: Part 1 & 2

Throwing Paintings : Katrin Moye: Part 1 & 2

In spring 2017, The Shop Floor Project commissioned long-time collaborator Katrin Moye to create a collection of ceramics based on her residency at Lakeside Arts. Throwing Paintings at The Shop Floor Project is a series of jugs and platters based on ceramics seen in paintings by 20th century female artists: Mary Fedden, Winifred Nicholson and Vanessa Bell. We plot her journey here...



The Process:

"The sets of jugs are copies of still lifes by Mary Fedden, Winifred nicholson and Vanessa bell. I cut away the fronts of the Mary Fedden ones and then flattened out the cut sections before reattaching them to echo the two-dimensional look of the bases of her jug shapes. Then decided I had to cut away part of the tops of two of them, to make them look more like the paintings as there was quite a pronounced distortion in the ellipses of two of them (from "Jug and Eggs" and "Charlotte's Jug") . I'm quite pleased with the results! Next is to paint them, as closely as possible recreating the colours, patterns and brushmarks, and any painted shadows will also be included." KM July 2017.


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